Sunday, August 3, 2008



Me a love mountain

Waiting since long

A certainty hanging loose

Of the one who may come?

For sure he will, and he will

He came…He saw

And sliced me with his razor eyes

He paved a passageway through

Then within me

A mountain of love

With a way…

River bound

Poetry Akhtar Shumaar
Translated by Imtiaz Ahmed-Taj

If I were to be……

If I were to be!

A room, a room in which

You live within as if within me

And me there to willfully let myself

Be lost in the eternal bliss of

Being with you

If I were to be! A mirror

Where your image-revealed

With certain truth of visibility

And me confronting you

Can touch the feel of you

In the labyrinths of

Your heavenly being, so exposed

So close

Lost and wonder struck, forever!

If I were to be! Your way-usual

Trodden with my daily watch

Where on each step

Your touch of trod

Turns a man insane

If I were to be! A fragrance stealing

Your breaths a place within

Like a shadowing companion-watch

So long so eternal

Like a chase of blood in vessels each

But only granted…

If were to be!

Poetry Akhtar Shumaar
Translated by Imtiaz Ahmed-Taj

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